
MAX cases

Le valigette MAX cases sono certificate IP67 per garantirne la resistenza all’acqua e alle polveri. Il campo di applicazione di tali valigie spazia dalla nautica, fotografia, subacquea, caccia, pesca, corpi speciali, industria manufatturiera in generalee tutti quei settori dove è richiesta un’eccezionale resistenza agli urtie agli agenti atmosferici.

MAX cases are IP67 certified, tough, durable and reliable. They may be used in a variety of applications, ranging from marine, photography, scuba diving, hunting, fishing, special corps and even the manufacturing industry. These cases offer superior protection from the elements, water, dust and impacts, making them suitable for a wide array of sectors and applications.


Product Description


  • 464 x 366 x H176 mm / 18.27 x 14.41 x H6.93 inch.
  • 426 x 290 x H159 mm / 16.77 x 11.42 x H6.26 inch.
  • 45 + 114 mm / 1.77 + 4.49 inch.
  • 2,76 Kg
  • 19,64 Lt
  • IP67
  • STANAG 4280
  • DEF STAN 81-41
  • Spugna cubettata
  • Cubed foams
  • Spugne cubettate / Cubed foams
    • Tasca / Pouch
    • Divisorie imbottite / Padded dividers
    • Tracolla imbottita / Padded shoulder strap
      Organizer per coperchio / Lid organizer


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